Revision and Replacements of Breast Implants
If you have breast implants, you should be aware that they are not meant to last life long.
You should ensure that you have an annual breast exam, which should be done by a qualified plastic surgeon, to ensure that the implants are okay and do not need to be replaced.
Most women, invariably, need one or more additional surgeries to replace their implants.
One of the most common causes for replacement is leakage and this can occur in silicone as well as saline implants.
When it comes to leakage, it is much easier to spot it in a saline implant as the breast becomes smaller and softer.
However, the same is not easily identified in silicone implants.
The good news is that silicone implants have a capsule or pocket into which the leak is contained.
It is best to have a routine mammogram or ultrasound to help detect any sign of leakage.
There are numerous reasons governing revision of breast implants.
Sometimes women decide to have smaller or bigger implants; as the woman ages, the body changes and this can lead to wanting a revision so that the breasts are in proportion to the changes; implant rippling or hardening; and finally rupturing can lead women to have a revision.
Usually implants last for 10 to 20 years and rupturing occurs when the implant has finished its lifespan.
However, it can also occur due to a blow to the chest or being injured.
When a saline implant ruptures, it deflates and a woman is easily able to notice the sudden asymmetry in the breasts.
Usually implants do not rupture in the first three years but it can happen so women should be prepared for it.
Make sure that you get all the important information from your cosmetic surgeon before the surgery so that you know when it is time for replacement of implants or when you should seek a replacement.
This is known as informed consent and it is in the best interest of the doctor and patient.
You should ensure that you have an annual breast exam, which should be done by a qualified plastic surgeon, to ensure that the implants are okay and do not need to be replaced.
Most women, invariably, need one or more additional surgeries to replace their implants.
One of the most common causes for replacement is leakage and this can occur in silicone as well as saline implants.
When it comes to leakage, it is much easier to spot it in a saline implant as the breast becomes smaller and softer.
However, the same is not easily identified in silicone implants.
The good news is that silicone implants have a capsule or pocket into which the leak is contained.
It is best to have a routine mammogram or ultrasound to help detect any sign of leakage.
There are numerous reasons governing revision of breast implants.
Sometimes women decide to have smaller or bigger implants; as the woman ages, the body changes and this can lead to wanting a revision so that the breasts are in proportion to the changes; implant rippling or hardening; and finally rupturing can lead women to have a revision.
Usually implants last for 10 to 20 years and rupturing occurs when the implant has finished its lifespan.
However, it can also occur due to a blow to the chest or being injured.
When a saline implant ruptures, it deflates and a woman is easily able to notice the sudden asymmetry in the breasts.
Usually implants do not rupture in the first three years but it can happen so women should be prepared for it.
Make sure that you get all the important information from your cosmetic surgeon before the surgery so that you know when it is time for replacement of implants or when you should seek a replacement.
This is known as informed consent and it is in the best interest of the doctor and patient.