Does She Like Me? 3 Amazingly Easy Ways to Tell If a Girl Truly Wants You (Don"t Miss These!)
In this article I'd like to talk about some really easy ways to tell if a girl truly wants you.
Why? Because there is NO greater area of confusion in the intermingling between the sexes then how to differentiate between friendly conversation..
and hardcore sexual flirting,right? It's true...
and considering so many men are dead afraid of being rejected on their "approach"..
this leads to a whole bunch of easily avoidable disappointment.
The fact is..
if you are truly able to discern the signs of when a woman TRULY finds you sexually or romantically interesting, it's almost like being able to read minds! (and you'll know when to go in for the "close"...
and when to stay back and avoid embarrassment completely) So what are the signs that she is sexually interested? - Body Language Signs: A woman who touches her breasts often.
She looks UP and too the left or right and avoids lots of direct eye contact...
especially when you are first meeting.
Plays with her own hair.
Touches YOUR knee or shoulder.
The positioning of her feet and thighs in conversation.
(pointed out is a subtle subliminal sign of sexual interest) - The Sensual (and Perpetual) Stare: Simply put, a woman who is interested in you, WILL look at you often! You'll catch her gaze from across the room.
You'll see her checking you out from up close.
Women are BIG on eye contact and are true blue believers that YOURS are the window to the soul..
:-) The more you notice her "accidentally" looking your way, the more likely it is that she's romantically interested in getting to know you better.
- Don't Overlook the Obvious! This is actually the aggregate amount of "signs" that are OBVIOUSLY pointing to the fact that she likes you! (and many men simply are SO insecure as to miss, or contemplate for SO long..
that they convince themselves she's just being friendly) Calling you.
Being very, very friendly whenever you see each other! Asking you a lot of "innocent" questions.
Lots of emails, texts or phone calls just to say hi.
If it SOUNDS like she's interested..
guys, it USUALLY means she is! The bottom line? Women are NOT that hard to figure out.
Confidence in USUALLY the only thing that keeps you from understanding that most of those subtle signs are REALLY a sexy signal she WANTS to know more!
Why? Because there is NO greater area of confusion in the intermingling between the sexes then how to differentiate between friendly conversation..
and hardcore sexual flirting,right? It's true...
and considering so many men are dead afraid of being rejected on their "approach"..
this leads to a whole bunch of easily avoidable disappointment.
The fact is..
if you are truly able to discern the signs of when a woman TRULY finds you sexually or romantically interesting, it's almost like being able to read minds! (and you'll know when to go in for the "close"...
and when to stay back and avoid embarrassment completely) So what are the signs that she is sexually interested? - Body Language Signs: A woman who touches her breasts often.
She looks UP and too the left or right and avoids lots of direct eye contact...
especially when you are first meeting.
Plays with her own hair.
Touches YOUR knee or shoulder.
The positioning of her feet and thighs in conversation.
(pointed out is a subtle subliminal sign of sexual interest) - The Sensual (and Perpetual) Stare: Simply put, a woman who is interested in you, WILL look at you often! You'll catch her gaze from across the room.
You'll see her checking you out from up close.
Women are BIG on eye contact and are true blue believers that YOURS are the window to the soul..
:-) The more you notice her "accidentally" looking your way, the more likely it is that she's romantically interested in getting to know you better.
- Don't Overlook the Obvious! This is actually the aggregate amount of "signs" that are OBVIOUSLY pointing to the fact that she likes you! (and many men simply are SO insecure as to miss, or contemplate for SO long..
that they convince themselves she's just being friendly) Calling you.
Being very, very friendly whenever you see each other! Asking you a lot of "innocent" questions.
Lots of emails, texts or phone calls just to say hi.
If it SOUNDS like she's interested..
guys, it USUALLY means she is! The bottom line? Women are NOT that hard to figure out.
Confidence in USUALLY the only thing that keeps you from understanding that most of those subtle signs are REALLY a sexy signal she WANTS to know more!