Playacar Mexico Travel Planning, Vacation Rental, Real Estate Consulting
"Tourism is the key to Mexico`s economic development. It generates wealth for other economic activities and for all socioeconomic groups… This requires consistent long-term policy measures in marketing, facilitation and in the promotion and encouragement of investment."
Federal Support For Tourism Infrastructure
The national agency, Fonatur, was founded 30 years ago to provide master planning and funding for large tourism developments in Mexico. Fonatur typically purchases large tracts of land, establishes infrastructure, clears title, and invites international investors, such as large resort hotels, to participate as development partners.
Every one of these projects has been highly successful. Cancun, for example, continues to be one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world.
- *Cancun
- *Playa del Carmen
- *Ixtapa
- *Huatulco
- *Los Cabos
- *Loreto
Mexico is projected to be the second fastest growing tourist destination in the world by 2013 with 9.5% annual growth, ranking third in total tourism-related employment at four million jobs. In 2004, tourism contributed USD $3.9 billion to the Mexico government, while consuming a mere 0.033% of the Federal budget. Given that the trade deficit was USD $8.5 billion that year, this represents a critical income source. Tourism ranks third in foreign exchange earnings, after exports of oil (a declining industry) and manufactured goods, and dollar remittances by Mexican nationals.
Tourism typically generates around 8.5% of GDP, and almost 10% of all jobs are related to tourism, directly or indirectly.
During the first quarter of 2007, international tourism revenues reached USD $3.758 billion, a 14.6% increase over the first quarter of 2006. The 3.6 million international tourist arrivals during the period represent an increase of 8.3% compared with the first quarter 2006 results. Mexico's tourism trade balance also increased, to USD $1.946 billion—a 31.5% increase compared with the USD $1.48 billion reported during the first quarter of 2006. The number of international visitors to Mexico on cruise ships grew by 78,000 from the first quarter of 2006 to the first quarter of 2007.
The Calderón government has announced sweeping initiatives to reverse the decline in infrastructure investment of the past decade. This neglect has negatively affected productivity by raising the cost of electricity and telecom services, and reducing the quality of the road infrastructure. The new National Infrastructure Plan focuses primarily on transportation infrastructure and a sharp increase in public and private investment. 20,000 kilometers of new or modernized roads are slated for development. The plan also encompasses the expansion of railways and ports, and the construction of at least three new airports.
The slated improvements will allow Mexico to take maximum advantage of its proximity to the US. The government intends to make increasing use of public-private partnerships to finance these projects.
The Calderón administration also projects tourism infrastructure investments of USD $20 billion during its term of office (2007-12), up from USD $12.8 billion during the previous administration.
Tourism infrastructure support extends beyond the federal level. State and local governments are also engaging in joint partnerships to promote tourism, which is widely regarded as a lucrative and relatively low-impact opportunity for job creation, creating mutual economic advantage with the serious wave of senior retirees starting to head south.
Retirement Haven
Many of these people are seeking more relaxed lifestyles as they age, including locations with amenable climates. At the same time, this is a group not known for having a high threshold for boredom. Mexico is nearby, relatively safe, offers many cultural and recreational amenities, and has great lifestyle and climate. At the same time, it is still possible to buy premium view and beachfront real estate at a fraction of the cost of comparable properties in the US (if you can find them at all).
Retirees are also happy to find quality medical and dental care in Mexico, available at much lower costs than in the US. This is due to government social policies that produce a surfeit of healthcare professionals and to a culture that remains remarkably free of the impulse to sue. This allows Mexican healthcare providers to avoid ruinous insurance premiums as they also dodge the excesses of US-style managed care.
Many retirees are remaining fit for much longer than was common for previous generations. Those dollars need to stretch right out there with those fit old legs. Lower costs for many items, but especially for home service providers like cleaning and gardening help, as well as spa services, are also a big plus.
Finally, when this wave becomes a mass migration, the desire for community and a quieter and more relational lifestyle may well become easier to fulfill in Mexico than in the US or Canada.
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