Is Your Colleague Your Friend?
Everyday we faced our colleagues for at least 8 hours per day, 5 days per week.
And that adds up to at least 40 hours per week, 1480 hours per year.
All these excluding lunchtime hour, after work drinks sessions spend together with your colleague.
How to know whether the colleague that you see for so long is your friend? When you are successful, you will have many supporters and friends surrounding you; each trying to fight for a tiny ray of your glamor shone onto him, if not more.
For whatever reason each can justify in order to be around you or even just near you, he is still just an acquaintance: Someone who you happened to see, know and associate with at this point of time.
Acquaintance: Someone who you happened to see, know and associate with at this point of time.
Is your colleague your friend? Why don't you consider doing a tiny experiment that might just take you less than 15 minutes to complete? Take out all your contact books, name card holders/ folders etc and lay them nicely on the table.
All you need to do is to flip through each and every contact you have and ask yourself these two questions: - Can I trust this person to help me when I'm in need? - Can I trust this person to at least support me emotionally or mentally although he might not have the financial resources to help me? You should have your answer by now.
And that adds up to at least 40 hours per week, 1480 hours per year.
All these excluding lunchtime hour, after work drinks sessions spend together with your colleague.
How to know whether the colleague that you see for so long is your friend? When you are successful, you will have many supporters and friends surrounding you; each trying to fight for a tiny ray of your glamor shone onto him, if not more.
For whatever reason each can justify in order to be around you or even just near you, he is still just an acquaintance: Someone who you happened to see, know and associate with at this point of time.
Acquaintance: Someone who you happened to see, know and associate with at this point of time.
Is your colleague your friend? Why don't you consider doing a tiny experiment that might just take you less than 15 minutes to complete? Take out all your contact books, name card holders/ folders etc and lay them nicely on the table.
All you need to do is to flip through each and every contact you have and ask yourself these two questions: - Can I trust this person to help me when I'm in need? - Can I trust this person to at least support me emotionally or mentally although he might not have the financial resources to help me? You should have your answer by now.