How do I Buy Cool Themes for the BlackBerry 8700g?
- 1). Browse the BlackBerry App World application on your 8700g. In the App World "Search" field type "Themes." You will then see a list of themes that can be purchased and installed on your BlackBerry. In many cases, the cost for the theme will be added to your mobile phone bill. However, this will vary by theme provider.
- 2). Visit a third-party website that sells themes for the Blackberry 8700g. Some of the sites that sell themes for your 8700g are CrackBerry, Elecite, PinStack and CNet. In order to purchase a theme, simply browse through the themes to find one that you like. Select the "Purchase" or "Add To Cart" link. Pay for the application using a valid credit card.
- 3). Purchase themes for your BlackBerry 8700g through your mobile service provider's website. For example, with Sprint your can purchase themes from the "Software Store." T-Mobile offers "Handango." Verizon offers the "Media Store." When purchasing themes from your mobile service provider, the costs will often be added to your phone bill. This will vary by provider.