Penismaster Review - By Someone Who Owns and Uses One
In fact when I was a teenager (some time ago) I remember reading about Jelqing.
Tried it once and that was that.
Fast forward to 4 months ago when i decided to investigate the whole thing a little more.
Having used sports supplements, I was very sceptical about penis enlargement pills.
There are some great supplements that help vascularity and thus erection quality, but i couldn't believe that they would make a penis grow larger than it's natural maximum.
That's when I landed upon penis enlargement traction devices.
The idea is simple.
A constant stretching applied to the penis causes it to lengthen.
Is anything was going to work, then to me this seemed the most likely.
Making the Decision to Buy I didn't want to feel like I had been suckered, so I took my time and researched brands.
There are quite a few out there and I hope, in time, to review all on my siteI chose the Penismaster because of the following: 1.
It was the cheapest (If i was gonna be scammed then at least I wasn't going to spend too much) 2.
It came bundled with another device (I will write another review about this one later) All in all it came to around $250.
I placed my order online and waited nervously to see if actually arrived.
Package Arrives Well I was surprised that it turned up, but it did.
In a nice plain box! It kind of looks like some kind of torture device.
It came with an instruction manual and DVD.
Both of which I have to say aren't the greatest quality.
First Use It came as no surprise that for a week or so, fitting the device was a bit of a chore.
The gauze bandage that comes with the Penismaster has a use.
You need to wrap your penis before strapping it into the Penismaster Device.
If you don't, your skin gets pinched in the strap.
The manufacturer claims that you can wear these devices for up to 12 hours a day.
I find this hard to believe.
I wear it for an hour at at time.
When I remove it I massage my penis before putting the Penismaster back on.
Negatives I have a couple of gripes.
The manual and DVD are not great.
There is a lot of essential information that is NOT made clear.
Also, I would have preferred a wider range of extension rods.
Positives The Penismaster is probably the cheapest Penis Enlargement traction device you can find (if you find one cheper let me know).
It has a nice wide strap and plenty of replacement parts in the kit.
It also has a full money back guarantee (one of the reasons I felt happy about buying it) Results I have to say I am impressed.
Given that I don't wear the device for more than 3 Hours a day.
Since I bought it I have gained 0.
4 inches in length and 0.
25 inches in girth which is fantastic.
I don't believe wild claims of 2 inches in six months.
Given my progress I am on track to gain over an inch this year.
A dream come true!