How to Change Maximum Transmission Unit to 576 in Windows XP
- 1). Open the registry editor program available in Windows XP by clicking on the Windows "Start" button and selecting "Run." Type the command "regedit" (without quotes) in the text box and click "OK."
- 2). Navigate to the following entry in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Ndiswan\Parameters - 3). Create a new key by right-clicking on the right windowpane of the registry. Select the "New" option and then choose "Key." Type in "Protocols" for the name of the new key.
- 4). Right-click in the right windowpane of the registry and choose the "DWord value" option. Type in the value "ProtocolType" and press "Enter." Press "Enter" again and type "800" into the value field. Click the "OK" button to save the modifications.
- 5). Right-click in the right windowpane of the registry and choose the "DWord value" option. Type in the value "PPPProtocolType" and press "Enter." Press "Enter" again and type "21" into the value field. Click the "OK" button to save the modifications.
- 6). Right-click in the right windowpane of the registry and choose the "DWord value" option. Type in the value "ProtocolMTU" and press "Enter." Press "Enter" again and type "576" in the value field. Click the "OK" button to save the modifications.
- 7). Close the registry editor program by clicking on the X in the upper right corner of the window labeled "Registry Editor."
- 8). Restart the computer for the new MTU value to be used over the network.