Ways to Help You Overcoming Agoraphobia
After you get the first panic attack, your subconscious will probably be preparing for yet another attack and being afraid of the symptoms which left you feeling so weak and helpless and out of control.
This terrifying process of panic attack and the fear of another panic attack to follow this one can make your whole life go awry, and you'll be trying every waking moment to avoid those debilitating moments of fear.
Thus, overcoming agoraphobia is very important.
Because panic attacks can take over us at any time and any place, we usually associate the place where it first occurred as the cause of our fear.
An agoraphobic will do everything he or she can to prevent going to those situations and places where such panic attacks might come again.
They might become so terrified of going to crowded places that they might end up being housebound and refusing to step out from that haven.
Such an unhealthy way of life can cause panic attacks to also happen in normal everyday occasions, even at home.
Even simple things as increased heart rate due to some excitement can lead to a panic attack because you think you might be getting a heart attack.
Suffering anxiety is terrible and extremely incapacitating mental condition.
People who suffer from panic attacks should definitely consult a doctor at the earliest opportunity.
The doctor should be a specialist in mental disorders and the patients should receive treatment before their occasional panic attacks turn into agoraphobia where they might turn to severely limiting their lifestyle because they are afraid of being weak and out of control when having a panic attack.
People usually develop agoraphobia after they suffer from panic attacks.
Panic disorder is just recurring panic attacks.
Approximately two percent of the population will face panic disorder or anxiety at some time or other in their lives.
Most commonly, women are twice as likely as men to suffer from these conditions.
Agoraphobia is not a physical illness but an adverse reaction to recurring panic attacks.
Anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications are the most common treatment for overcoming anxiety and panic attacks.
A slow process of exposure therapy will also help in overcoming agoraphobia, though a qualified physician must supervise this.
Meditation, yoga and other exercises could also help in overcoming agoraphobia and panic attacks.
You should eliminate all negative thoughts and feelings from within yourself to gain control over the panic attacks.