Blog - How to Choose the Right Platform For You
You're a new blogger, and you're eager to start your blog, but you're confused.
Which blog platform should you choose? There are many blog platforms, and some are free.
Others are commercial, or need to be installed on your own domain, with hosting, which means that you need to make a small investment.
My suggestion: start with a free platform, like Blogger or WordPress.
When you choose a free platform, not only can you get started in minutes, you can give up your blog without too many tears if it turns out that you picked the wrong topic.
Here's what a freebie platform gives beginning bloggers (and established ones too): 1.
Eliminates Inertia - Gets You Started Blogging Now With a free platform, you can start blogging as soon as you get an idea for a blog.
There's no hassle, no decisions to make.
Just start.
One tip: WordPress.
com frowns on commercial use, so if you want to sell affiliate products or make money from your free blog, use Blogger.
Lets You Test and Try out Ideas - Your "Starter" Blog Is Just That Most long-time bloggers have made one or more false starts before they settled down to the topic that was right for them.
If you've purchased a domain name and hosting for a blog, and then decided that the topic wasn't for you, you've wasted time and a little money.
Worse, this can make you feel guilty or frustrated, and can put you off blogging for a while.
If you've started a topic on a topic which turns out not to be right for you on a free blog, there's no problem - just start another blog.
Gives You Practice So You Get Comfortable Blogging Blogging takes practice before you become proficient.
You need to learn how to create different kinds of posts, which posts get the most response, and how to create a blogging schedule that works for you.
Practicing on a free blog is low risk.
Who cares if you make a "mistake"? (There's no way you can make a mistake in blogging.
Delete a post if you wish.
) 4.
Gives You Confidence That You Can Handle the Technology If you're a complete newcomer to the online world, the technology can seem confusing.
With a free blog, everything is made simple: creating a blog is a step by step process, and there's lots of information available as you blog.
Starting your first blog on a free platform is a great idea, so why not start your new or next blog today?
Which blog platform should you choose? There are many blog platforms, and some are free.
Others are commercial, or need to be installed on your own domain, with hosting, which means that you need to make a small investment.
My suggestion: start with a free platform, like Blogger or WordPress.
When you choose a free platform, not only can you get started in minutes, you can give up your blog without too many tears if it turns out that you picked the wrong topic.
Here's what a freebie platform gives beginning bloggers (and established ones too): 1.
Eliminates Inertia - Gets You Started Blogging Now With a free platform, you can start blogging as soon as you get an idea for a blog.
There's no hassle, no decisions to make.
Just start.
One tip: WordPress.
com frowns on commercial use, so if you want to sell affiliate products or make money from your free blog, use Blogger.
Lets You Test and Try out Ideas - Your "Starter" Blog Is Just That Most long-time bloggers have made one or more false starts before they settled down to the topic that was right for them.
If you've purchased a domain name and hosting for a blog, and then decided that the topic wasn't for you, you've wasted time and a little money.
Worse, this can make you feel guilty or frustrated, and can put you off blogging for a while.
If you've started a topic on a topic which turns out not to be right for you on a free blog, there's no problem - just start another blog.
Gives You Practice So You Get Comfortable Blogging Blogging takes practice before you become proficient.
You need to learn how to create different kinds of posts, which posts get the most response, and how to create a blogging schedule that works for you.
Practicing on a free blog is low risk.
Who cares if you make a "mistake"? (There's no way you can make a mistake in blogging.
Delete a post if you wish.
) 4.
Gives You Confidence That You Can Handle the Technology If you're a complete newcomer to the online world, the technology can seem confusing.
With a free blog, everything is made simple: creating a blog is a step by step process, and there's lots of information available as you blog.
Starting your first blog on a free platform is a great idea, so why not start your new or next blog today?