Free Home Based Business - Another Lie Once Again?

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Look, you clicked on this article because you want to run a legitimate home based business and make money online right? Ok, you're still reading this so now I have your attention. Please pay close attention because what I'm going to exploit, these home based business gurus that make money online, are going to hate me!

I was sitting in the same spot you are now, trying to find someone who actually cares about helping other people and to make money online with a real legitimate home based business. I was like you and bought into a few of these so called legitimate home based businesses. You know the only thing I learned from these sites? What I learned is that these home based business gurus do not give a rat's you know what about you, just you going to their order form.

Next, I first want you to answer these following questions and then I will share what a lot of these gurus do to make tons of money online.

1.) Do you ask yourself if you can really make money online or how to make money online?

2.) Do you really want to have a home based business and make money online?

3.) When do you want to start making money online and running a successful home based business?

4.) Do you have a plan to start this legitimate home based business and do you already know how to make money online?

5.) Realistically, how much money do you want to make with your home based business online?

6.) Can you devote a minimum of five hours to your home based business?

7.) Will you give me a chance to show you how to really make money online and start making money online today?

8.) Do you ever envision yourself living a better lifestyle because of a successful home based business?

9.) Do you expect to make 100,000 with your home based business? If so, you're going to fail.

10.) Can you expect to make five to 10,000 a month with your home based business? Yes, you can!

11.) Did you know you can make money online without spending any money? Yes, in fact you can and it's very simple.

12.) Can I make money online today?

13.) Is what I am reading about just another home based business scam?
(If you have any doubts, then please feel free to leave this article. I am being completely sincere and doing this because I am not selfish. Like I said above, I was in the same boat you are now. Even if the next 100,000 people started doing this, it will not affect me.)

Now that you are still reading this, I know you are dead serious and want to change your life. So next, I am going to share with you my favorite methods I like to use when making money online.

There are four methods I incorporate:

First, I will sign up as an affiliate for an organization and promote their products. Next, I will research a product that I am personally interested in. It's always easier to promote something that you are knowledgeable about. For an example, I played billiards for over 10 years. Personally, I will pick something billiard related and promote it because I can offer good and reliable information about it.

The first method I will use and I mean for fast cash is using craigslist. I know that they have incorporated their phone verification but I found a way around that! I'll get to that in a minute, but first use craigslist. It's free and you can get a ton of free traffic to your affiliate links. Also keep in mind that craigslist ranks with Google, so if you write a good ad while promoting your product, your craigslist ad can appear in Google's search!

My second method I like to use is using Facebook. What I like to do first is making a page on Facebook. Once I've created my page and placed my links, I will suggest that page to all of my friends. Next, I will create a fan page and at point your page gets a ton of exposure.

Lastly, this is one of my favorite ways to make money online with my home based business, article marketing. You may have seen some websites that mention some of the above methods but they don't tell you how to do it. Article marketing is an awesome way to make money online with your home based business.

If you have an actual business that you want to promote or to promote your very own legitimate home based business, this is one of the best ways to do it. The best part about this is that it's FREE! Another beautiful thing about article marketing is that they rank really high with Google's search engine. In addition, if you have a well written articles with good content, you can get picked up by other sites that will promote your article on their site with your affiliate links!

Earlier, I talked a little about overcoming their annoying phone verification. This is what you do:

1.) You first create a Yahoo, Gmail or AOL account because you will need to have it to make a new account on Craigslist.

2.) Post your ad once before noon and around 7pm. I found that I can do this ever other day and get away with not getting popped for spam.

3.) I love this part because if craiglist does catch you for spamming and requires you to do phone verification, all you have to do is have a prepaid cell phone. What you do pay to change the phone number on your plan. My carrier is through Pocket Communications and only charges $5.00 per line.

That's nothing considering I make as much as $100 per day off of craigslist. Now this is important so pay close attention. Craigslist will keep track of your IP address so if you don't change your IP address then changing your phone number is pointless. The trick to changing your IP address is unplugging your internet modem before you go to bed. Typically, your IP address will change in about eight hours. Then plug your modem back in and make sure your IP address was changed after you wake up. If your IP address was changed then incorporate that new phone number.

Read below if you would like to learn more of my tricks as I explain step by step ways in making money online and how to run a legitimate home based business. I will also show you other hot ways I make money online that will blow your mind.
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