Natural Cures For Fibroids - I Used Them to Become Fibroid-Free

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After suffering from dreadful fibroid symptoms for years, I finally used natural cures for fibroids very successfully and hope you too can find similar relief.
My story is below.
About 3 years ago, I'd had enough.
I'd reached rock-bottom and in front of me across the desk was my doctor suggesting that I had a hysterectomy to deal with my fibroids.
I'd visited her on and off complaining of bloating and weight gain (at one point to be told it was "abdominal fat" and I was "clinically obese").
It was only after a scan that fibroids were diagnosed.
I was told that I had several fibroids, one being the size of a small melon and others which were smaller - the size of oranges (I loved how she described them in terms of fruits-not!) My symptoms were truly dreadful.
I was anemic, incontinent, constipated and, in my words, looked like a great big fat lump! The worst parts were that 1.
I was only in my thirties and felt like an old croc 2.
I used to run (yes, "run" - what a laugh).
Now I could only manage a puffed out fast walk up the street which left wee dribbling down my legs or into my old-lady pads 3.
I felt totally old and unsexy-in fact my husband and I hadn't been intimate for a year or two because it was just too painful 4.
I had to sleep on a plastic sheet and towels during my period The "verdict" was that my fibroids were like a six-month pregnancy (as if I didn't know that I was that large) and I "had" to have a hysterectomy.
This was dreadful news as in my heart of hearts, I wanted to have another baby at some point.
I'd always dreamed of having a third, but the way things were I couldn't deal with he two youngsters I had-but I could always hope! I asked at the time about whether there were any natural cures for fibroids and my doctor said that research was ongoing but at the present time, she wasn't aware of any.
However, she did talk about how she thought diet and lifestyle were important...
food for thought for me.
I wanted to avoid a hysterectomy at all costs and as soon as I got home I began searching on the internet for natural cures for fibroids.
I'd been told that before a hysterectomy I would need to take drugs to suppress certain hormones which would help the fibroids to shrink temporarily to avoid surgery.
However, these drugs would potentially cause osteoporosis, wrinkling and vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal skin-Great, I thought! Not only was I worried about this, but the operation scared me to death.
Major operations scare me and with two youngish children, I did not want to have to cope with the long recovery times.
However, my fibroids were very bad indeed and I knew that if I didn't find natural cures for fibroids, then I would seriously have to think about it.
I found a plan which guaranteed to shrink fibroids using natural methods.
I was naturally skeptical but I really liked the fact that it came with a full money-back guarantee (which I fully intended to use if I didn't like it!) and 3 months counseling.
I downloaded what I thought was going to be an e-book but it was so much more! What I got what a complete system.
There were masses of pages with so much information.
To say I found it all a bit overwhelming at first was an understatement! In fact it seemed so complicated at first that I thought I would never be able to follow it.
I read through it and them promptly closed my laptop down as my head was spinning.
The next day, I systematically and s-l-o-w-l-y read through it all, making a few notes.
I then got together everything I needed and a few days later I began using the natural cures for fibroids.
Nothing happened at first.
However, it only took until my next period before I realised things were very different.
Gone was the flooding I normally had, to be replaced with a more normal period-still heavy, but not too bad.
Over the next few months, my symptoms slowly subsided along with my waistline and 6 months after starting my treatment I went for a scan.
* I was no longer anemic * I was 3 dress sizes smaller * My periods were regular and normal * I had no cramping * I could do a fast walk and even a short run without dribbling urine (!) * My fibroids had shrunk considerably It's very difficult to know which aspects of the treatments were the ones which worked for me and this is the key to it all really.
Nobody knows the exact reason why women get fibroids, but it is known to be a combination of dietary factors, environmental toxins, lifestyle issues, hormonal issues, lack of exercise, stress and hereditary factors amongst others.
This is why the only way to successfully treat fibroids is by using a set of protocols which systematically eliminates each and every possible cause, leaving no stone unturned.
The protocols in the natural cures for fibroids which I used included * Toxin elimination * Dietary modification * Stress management * Parasite elimination * Cleansing protocols * Dietary supplementation * Lifestyle changes I would be lying if I said I found it all easy.
I didn't-particularly at first.
However, once I really embraced it and began to see the results, I soon got the motivation I needed.
If you are considering alternative treatments then give yourself a limit of, say a month to really do it justice and if you see no changes, then reconsider.
However, chances are that if you follow a good system to the letter, you too will see big changes.
What I liked about the system I used was the fact that in the early days, I had email support and was able to ask (lots of!) questions about my own circumstances and get advice tailored to my unique circumstances.
A couple of years down the line, I now don't really give fibroids much of a thought.
The natural cures for fibroids worked perfectly for me and although I still have fibroids, the remaining ones are very small and cause me no symptoms.
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