Do Penis Traction Devices Work?
The penis is a flexible muscle that can be stretched continuously over the course of several months.
This helps any man gain a larger and thicker penis, without having to use pills or messy creams.
This is generally a new type of stretching method, but so far the technique has shown promising results.
Typically, you wear the penis device for 5 to 10 hours a day, and then repeat the steps the next day.
After several months, you will see an increase in length and hardness.
The use of penis extenders have actually been around longer than we thought.
Our previous ancestors used extenders to help stretch body limbs.
African tribes are best known for this process, which helped to show a tribal member's place in the community.
When a body part, penis included, has a force or pressure applied to it over a long period of time, the body part's cells divide to fill in the new space.
The benefit of penis traction devices is the fact that the products on the market are 100% verified by doctors.
Many doctors are confident behind the theory of the device, and have tested the product for accuracy.
Clinical trials have been produced to show that the penis traction devices do add length and thickness within months of using the product.
Penis traction devices that are supplied on the market are safe to use and will give you clinical results without having to visit a doctors office.
According to research studies conducted on real men, a penis traction device can permanently increase the penis size by up to 30% when flaccid.
This is different from a penis pump, which will only temporarily increase the size of the penis by moving blood to the shaft.
You can compare a penis traction device to the way that you would use weights to build body muscle.
The stretching movement will add more muscle to the stretched chambers of the penis.
The traction method also stimulates blood flow to the penis, just as a pump would, but with a permanent result.
It is stated that penis exercises will help speed up the process, but it is not required.
The exercises will only cut down the time that it would take by just using the device.
There should be no discomfort while wearing the penis traction device.
If you are feeling discomfort, then you should re-read the directions and ensure that you are wearing the product properly.
It might also be the manufacturer, and you will have to switch to another brand.
The SizeGenetics traction extender is listed as one of the top choices for a penis device.
It has been shown to have large results within 6 months of use.
The SizeGenetics extender is the most top of the line device that can be worn under loose fitting clothing without being seen, and it is comfortable enough to wear during the day.
You will be able to see results within 4 weeks of using the product.