Activities to Do in Your Garage
- If there isn't enough room in the house for exercise equipment, transform part of your garage into a home gym. This way, you'll have your privacy when you work out. Place a large rug on the floor before moving in the exercise equipment. The equipment will get less wear and tear, and won't move while you're on it. Consider gym equipment such as a bike, weight bench, treadmill and an exercise ball. This will save you on gym membership fees and transportation costs to and from the gym.
- If you've always wanted a pool table or a foosball table and just don't have the room for it, put in your garage and create a game room. Poker tables can be put in your new game room; get a cabinet for your board games and put them out in the garage, too.
- Create a lounge in your garage. Get a couch, new or from the Salvation Army, a few comfy chairs, a TV and an area rug. Put the couch and chairs on the rug and the TV within easy viewing distance. For cocktails, add a portable bar and small refrigerator. Add a pinball machine and the lounge will be turned into an exciting place to entertain friends and relax.
- Rubber mats on the garage floor will create a soft surface for children to play on. Get boxes or toy chests and place them in the garage. This can also be a great area if you are a baby sitter.
For a place to do crafts, get a work bench and install it along one of the walls. Provide plenty of lighting and bar stools to sit on. - Turn your garage into the workshop you've always wanted. Put in saw horses and saws. Get a solid table that you can measure and cut wood on. If you are doing any painting, have a separate table on which to paint. Just keep in mind that you will very probably need a good air filtration system and dust collector to keep things neater and maintain air quality.
- Create an indoor garden in your garage. If you've ever wanted fresh fruits and vegetables but don't have much of a yard, having an indoor garden is for you. You can also grow your own fresh herbs, such as parsley and sage. Get long tables to put the planters on, and plant-growing lights to get the correct type and amount of light on your garden. You can purchase plants already started so you don't even have to deal with seeds. You will have to control the temperature, so the ideal situation is a garage where you can control the temperature with the thermostat.
Exercise Gym
Game Room
Play Room or Craft Room
Indoor Garden