3 Great Moves to a Great Butt
Here's What You Will Need: A Swiss Ball, resistance band or for even better results a TRX Here's Your Home Butt Lift Remedy (The Exercises): For each of the exercises, do a complete cycle that includes one set each.
Once you complete all three sets in the cycle, repeat for a second and then a third set.
Do this program for two to three days a week with at least one day of rest between each day of exercise.
here we go! 1.
One- Legged Squat Use a TRX to hold onto or hook a resistance band around something sturdy, or anchored to a door.
Place one foot on the floor and the other leg out in front, then keeping chest over the knee sit back 90 degrees and press through your heel to straighten leg.
Repeat 10-15 repetitions on each leg to complete the set.
Hamstring Curl Using the Swiss Ball or TRX Lie on your back and place your calves on the ball or place heels in your TRX with straps knee height to mid-length.
Lift your hips off the floor and pull knees in towards chest keeping the hips the same height or even better, lifting the hips slightly as you pull knees in.
Start out trying to do as many as you can in 30 sec and then continue to increase the time by 5-10 seconds each workout.
You can also increase the challenge by starting with the ball further away from you, or if you are using a TRX moving further in front of your anchor point.
When you finish your hamstring curl go right into this next move with as little rest as possible.
Bridge Using the Swiss Ball or TRX Bend knees 90 degrees with feet on top of ball or heels in TRX.
Lift hips straight up and down.
If this move feels too intense place your legs over the ball so that your butt and backside of legs are all touching the ball as you lift and lower.
For the TRX you can move further behind the anchor point, or take the legs out of the straps and place feet on the floor as you lift and lower the hips.
When you're finished don't forget to stretch! Here's how: 1.
Lay flat of the floor and pull your knees into your chest, then drop knees to one side and head and arms to the other side.
Repeat on the other side.
Roll back to starting position and raise one leg up in the air, centered with your body and hold until you begin to feel the muscles release (when doing this stretch you should not be shaking or in pain) Repeat on the other side.
Extend the right leg up like before but place the right ankle on the left knee, then place your left hand on the outside of the left knee to protect it, with both feet off of the floor and hold, you should feel this in your outer hip.
Repeat this on the other side.
As with any exercise program it's important that you listen to your body.
Getting "the sizzle" about half way through each set is normal, but pain in joints is not.
If you feel low back pain, knee pain, or deep pain in the glutes you should consult your healthcare professional before continuing with the exercises.
Keep in mind that these three exercises should be part of a balanced full body workout, to prevent injuries and improve performance for life!
Once you complete all three sets in the cycle, repeat for a second and then a third set.
Do this program for two to three days a week with at least one day of rest between each day of exercise.
here we go! 1.
One- Legged Squat Use a TRX to hold onto or hook a resistance band around something sturdy, or anchored to a door.
Place one foot on the floor and the other leg out in front, then keeping chest over the knee sit back 90 degrees and press through your heel to straighten leg.
Repeat 10-15 repetitions on each leg to complete the set.
Hamstring Curl Using the Swiss Ball or TRX Lie on your back and place your calves on the ball or place heels in your TRX with straps knee height to mid-length.
Lift your hips off the floor and pull knees in towards chest keeping the hips the same height or even better, lifting the hips slightly as you pull knees in.
Start out trying to do as many as you can in 30 sec and then continue to increase the time by 5-10 seconds each workout.
You can also increase the challenge by starting with the ball further away from you, or if you are using a TRX moving further in front of your anchor point.
When you finish your hamstring curl go right into this next move with as little rest as possible.
Bridge Using the Swiss Ball or TRX Bend knees 90 degrees with feet on top of ball or heels in TRX.
Lift hips straight up and down.
If this move feels too intense place your legs over the ball so that your butt and backside of legs are all touching the ball as you lift and lower.
For the TRX you can move further behind the anchor point, or take the legs out of the straps and place feet on the floor as you lift and lower the hips.
When you're finished don't forget to stretch! Here's how: 1.
Lay flat of the floor and pull your knees into your chest, then drop knees to one side and head and arms to the other side.
Repeat on the other side.
Roll back to starting position and raise one leg up in the air, centered with your body and hold until you begin to feel the muscles release (when doing this stretch you should not be shaking or in pain) Repeat on the other side.
Extend the right leg up like before but place the right ankle on the left knee, then place your left hand on the outside of the left knee to protect it, with both feet off of the floor and hold, you should feel this in your outer hip.
Repeat this on the other side.
As with any exercise program it's important that you listen to your body.
Getting "the sizzle" about half way through each set is normal, but pain in joints is not.
If you feel low back pain, knee pain, or deep pain in the glutes you should consult your healthcare professional before continuing with the exercises.
Keep in mind that these three exercises should be part of a balanced full body workout, to prevent injuries and improve performance for life!