To Answer the Age Old Question - Yes, Penis Size Does Matter
So what can you believe? Well, I have been doing some research on this question and I have come to the conclusion that "yes, penis size does matter" and I will tell you why.
I have a female friend (just a friend) and I posed that question to her.
Not to call her promiscuous, but she has had several different partners in her lifetime so I figured that she would be a good subject to ask.
Some of these partners she had relationships with while others were one night stands (yes, women do that too).
Now I completely understand that questioning one person about this is very one sided, but the real reason that I am telling you this is because she made some very interesting points.
Not taking into consideration any of the other sexual techniques that may have been performed in these encounters, but talking about penis size only, she said that the men that had the bigger penises did feel a lot better to her.
She went on to explain that one man that she really liked and had a relationship with did have a rather small penis.
Even though she did have strong feelings for him, she just could not shake the fact that he did not satisfy her sexually.
She so desperately wanted this guy to be better in bed, but since she knew what a larger penis felt like and it felt so much better, his small penis just wasn't doing it for her.
She went on to state that the men (and several of these were one night stands) that had a large penis were the ones that satisfied her the most and because of that, they are the ones that she has remembered after many years.
And not only did she remember them for their large penises, but they were the ones that she considered were the best that she had ever had.
As I said earlier, this is just one woman's opinion and I realize that, however the statement she made about the guy she really liked with the small penis really made me think about things.
He was the man of her dreams and she still couldn't be satisfied wth his small penis.
You may think she is a shallow person and maybe she is, but her honesty is where it hit home for me.
So in my humble opinion and in the opinion of my dear friend that has had a lot of experience with this, the answer is "yes, penis size does matter".