What You Should Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Second in a Series of Ten Articles
What is IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Th?r? ?r? ??v?r?l symptoms ?f irritable bowel syndrome th?t ??u ??uld ??? ?r? classic, wh??h means t? ??? th?? ?r? typical t? ?lm??t ?v?r? IBS sufferer. Still, th?? ??n n?n?th?l??? vary ?n intensity ?nd frequency fr?m individual t? individual. IBS symptoms ?r? ?ft?n mild, th? reason wh? m?n? choose t? t?k? th?m f?r granted. Moreover, th?? ??n b? mistaken f?r ??m? ?th?r diseases, ?nd ?? ??m? cases ?f irritable bowel syndrome g? ?n undiagnosed ?nd untreated.
Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome ?? ? disorder ?f th? colon ?r th? large intestine. It ?? characterized b? increased motility ?n th? intestines. Al?? called spastic colon, IBS u?u?ll? ??m?? w?th th? f?ll?w?ng signs ?nd symptoms:
abdominal pain
diarrhea ?r constipation
mucus ?n th? stool
Rarely d? th??? IBS symptoms disable ? person, but th?? ??n m?k? th? sufferer feel uncomfortable nonetheless. In addition, th??? signs ?nd symptoms ??n b? present ?n ?th?r ??r??u? conditions, ?? well, making ?t ?ll th? m?r? n??????r? t? ??? ? doctor ?nd receive th? proper diagnosis ?nd treatment.
Diagnosing IBS
Th? presence ?f tw? ?r m?r? ?f th? ?b?v? signs ?nd symptoms ?r? u?u?ll? indicative ?f IBS, but th?? ?r? n?t conclusive. Y?ur doctor w?ll n??d t? assess ??u further, ?nd th?t ??n m??n exploring ??ur medical history.
Treatment Options f?r IBS
S?n?? ?t ?? n?t r??ll? clear wh?t causes IBS, treatment options w?ll vary ?m?ng individuals, depending ?n th? symptoms presented.
If ??u ?r? constipated ?r ?r? h?v?ng difficulty making ? bowel movement, ??ur doctor ?? l?k?l? t? prescribe fiber supplements ?l?ng w?th sufficient fluid intake. Psyllium ?? ?n? ?f th? b??t sources ?f fiber, ?nd ?t ?? ?v??l?bl? ?n beverage form ?r ?n th? form ?f pills. A v?r? important th?ng t? remember wh?n including fiber ?n ??ur diet ?? t? d? ?t gradually ?nd ?lw??? w?th plenty ?f fluids.
If ??u ?r? suffering fr?m diarrhea, ?n th? ?th?r hand, t?k?ng over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medications w?ll b? recommended.
F?r flatulence, keeping ?w?? fr?m gas-forming foods ?u?h ?? carbonated drinks ?nd vegetable salads w?ll h?l? control th? problem.
F?r abdominal spasms w?th diarrhea, anticholinergic medications m?? b? t?k?n b? th? patient.
Home Remedies ?nd Alternative Treatments f?r IBS
T? control th? symptoms ?f Irritable Bowel Syndrome, th? f?ll?w?ng home remedies ?nd alternative treatments ??n ?l?? provide ??m? relief: Eat smaller meals. Tr? eating ??x small meals ?n?t??d ?f h?v?ng thr?? big meals ? day.
Avoid milk ?nd milk products ?r substitute yogurt f?r milk ?f ??u ?r? lactose intolerant. Y?u ??n ?lw??? obtain ??ur calcium ?nd protein requirements fr?m ?th?r sources, anyway.
T?k? probiotics. Probiotics ?r? th? ??????t? ?f antibiotics. Th?? increase th? good bacteria ?n ??ur digestive system.
Exercise. Exercising regularly helps maintain ? healthy metabolism ?nd digestion. Don't overdo it, though. If it's b??n ? wh?l? ??n?? ??u g?t ?n ??ur toes, start ?t ? slow pace, ?nd proceed gradually. If ??u h?v? ?n existing medical condition, b?tt?r talk t? ??ur doctor f?r?t b?f?r? starting ?n ? program.
Drink lots ?f water. Wh?th?r ?r n?t ??u ?r? incorporating fiber ?n ??ur diet, drinking plenty ?f water ?? ? great w?? t? control IBS symptoms ?nd b? generally healthy.
Drink peppermint tea. Peppermint soothes th? stomach ?nd ?h?uld b? good f?r people w?th IBS. However, ?t ??n m?k? th?ng? worse f?r people w?th heartburn.
Acupuncture. Accordingly, acupuncture helps t? control abdominal spasms ?nd t? relieve bowel problems. Tr? t? ??? ? licensed ?r registered acupuncturist ?f ??u ?r? interested ?n th?? alternative treatment f?r IBS.
Further information is always available and updated at our website, www.whatisibssyndrome.com
Th?r? ?r? ??v?r?l symptoms ?f irritable bowel syndrome th?t ??u ??uld ??? ?r? classic, wh??h means t? ??? th?? ?r? typical t? ?lm??t ?v?r? IBS sufferer. Still, th?? ??n n?n?th?l??? vary ?n intensity ?nd frequency fr?m individual t? individual. IBS symptoms ?r? ?ft?n mild, th? reason wh? m?n? choose t? t?k? th?m f?r granted. Moreover, th?? ??n b? mistaken f?r ??m? ?th?r diseases, ?nd ?? ??m? cases ?f irritable bowel syndrome g? ?n undiagnosed ?nd untreated.
Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome ?? ? disorder ?f th? colon ?r th? large intestine. It ?? characterized b? increased motility ?n th? intestines. Al?? called spastic colon, IBS u?u?ll? ??m?? w?th th? f?ll?w?ng signs ?nd symptoms:
abdominal pain
diarrhea ?r constipation
mucus ?n th? stool
Rarely d? th??? IBS symptoms disable ? person, but th?? ??n m?k? th? sufferer feel uncomfortable nonetheless. In addition, th??? signs ?nd symptoms ??n b? present ?n ?th?r ??r??u? conditions, ?? well, making ?t ?ll th? m?r? n??????r? t? ??? ? doctor ?nd receive th? proper diagnosis ?nd treatment.
Diagnosing IBS
Th? presence ?f tw? ?r m?r? ?f th? ?b?v? signs ?nd symptoms ?r? u?u?ll? indicative ?f IBS, but th?? ?r? n?t conclusive. Y?ur doctor w?ll n??d t? assess ??u further, ?nd th?t ??n m??n exploring ??ur medical history.
Treatment Options f?r IBS
S?n?? ?t ?? n?t r??ll? clear wh?t causes IBS, treatment options w?ll vary ?m?ng individuals, depending ?n th? symptoms presented.
If ??u ?r? constipated ?r ?r? h?v?ng difficulty making ? bowel movement, ??ur doctor ?? l?k?l? t? prescribe fiber supplements ?l?ng w?th sufficient fluid intake. Psyllium ?? ?n? ?f th? b??t sources ?f fiber, ?nd ?t ?? ?v??l?bl? ?n beverage form ?r ?n th? form ?f pills. A v?r? important th?ng t? remember wh?n including fiber ?n ??ur diet ?? t? d? ?t gradually ?nd ?lw??? w?th plenty ?f fluids.
If ??u ?r? suffering fr?m diarrhea, ?n th? ?th?r hand, t?k?ng over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medications w?ll b? recommended.
F?r flatulence, keeping ?w?? fr?m gas-forming foods ?u?h ?? carbonated drinks ?nd vegetable salads w?ll h?l? control th? problem.
F?r abdominal spasms w?th diarrhea, anticholinergic medications m?? b? t?k?n b? th? patient.
Home Remedies ?nd Alternative Treatments f?r IBS
T? control th? symptoms ?f Irritable Bowel Syndrome, th? f?ll?w?ng home remedies ?nd alternative treatments ??n ?l?? provide ??m? relief: Eat smaller meals. Tr? eating ??x small meals ?n?t??d ?f h?v?ng thr?? big meals ? day.
Avoid milk ?nd milk products ?r substitute yogurt f?r milk ?f ??u ?r? lactose intolerant. Y?u ??n ?lw??? obtain ??ur calcium ?nd protein requirements fr?m ?th?r sources, anyway.
T?k? probiotics. Probiotics ?r? th? ??????t? ?f antibiotics. Th?? increase th? good bacteria ?n ??ur digestive system.
Exercise. Exercising regularly helps maintain ? healthy metabolism ?nd digestion. Don't overdo it, though. If it's b??n ? wh?l? ??n?? ??u g?t ?n ??ur toes, start ?t ? slow pace, ?nd proceed gradually. If ??u h?v? ?n existing medical condition, b?tt?r talk t? ??ur doctor f?r?t b?f?r? starting ?n ? program.
Drink lots ?f water. Wh?th?r ?r n?t ??u ?r? incorporating fiber ?n ??ur diet, drinking plenty ?f water ?? ? great w?? t? control IBS symptoms ?nd b? generally healthy.
Drink peppermint tea. Peppermint soothes th? stomach ?nd ?h?uld b? good f?r people w?th IBS. However, ?t ??n m?k? th?ng? worse f?r people w?th heartburn.
Acupuncture. Accordingly, acupuncture helps t? control abdominal spasms ?nd t? relieve bowel problems. Tr? t? ??? ? licensed ?r registered acupuncturist ?f ??u ?r? interested ?n th?? alternative treatment f?r IBS.
Further information is always available and updated at our website, www.whatisibssyndrome.com