Coping With Bipolar Disorder
Some say it is hereditary, others say it is the environment in which one is raised or an over secretion of cortisol, a stress hormone we all have.
No matter what the cause is it can hurt the ones around the person who has a bipolar disorder.
It can cause the loss of a good job, damage relationships.
When making daily decisions, it will be different from other people.
But today it can be controlled with medication, eating right and exercise.
With good skills of coping with every day life and a strong support group, along with medication, people with bipolar disorder can lead good productive lives.
Learn about this disease, know what a person goes through and lend a lot of encouragement and hope.
But one must remember this is going to be tough and will take a toll on you as well.
So keep yourself healthy and just take care of yourself as well.
The ups and downs of a person with bipolar disorder can be exhausting to say the least, think about how they feel.
They often wonder why they are the way they are and are usually remorseful about their actions and words.
To sit and watch a loved one go through reckless antics, explosive outbursts and ugly words is something that hurts all the way to the heart.
One must encourage them to get help if they have not done so, and even this can be almost impossible to do.
Many think they do not have a problem it is just the way they are.
It's like being an alcoholic, they need help as you can see, but they do not see it.
You can not force them to go and seek help, but you can encourage them and stay with it.
Realizing that a loved one has bipolar disorder one must be understanding and that is hard to do, you will lose your temper as well, try not to do so.
They have a disorder in which they cannot control.
Tell them you love them and will be there for them.
And be patient.
This will take time to get bipolar disorder under control, but it can be done.
There will be set backs, and hatred will abound, but with love and understanding one with bipolar disorder from you, will help them.