How to Get Rid of Birds With Household Products
- 1). Remove all access to easy food sources. Birds are creatures of convenience. If they can find suitable nesting areas in the same place that they can find ample food and water sources, they've found a place that they'll likely call home. Remove any bird feeders you have established around your property. If your neighbor has one out, ask him or her to remove it, at least temporarily.
- 2). Place netting across trees and shrubs. Next, you'll need to remove access to nesting sites. You can use an assortment of fine mesh netting material including the bags many produce products come in or you can purchase some in the craft department of your favorite retail establishment. Place the netting so that it completely covers the foliage of the trees and shrubs, preventing the birds from gaining access and nesting.
- 3). Install "predators." You can make your own papier-mache owls by using balloons, newspaper and a flour/water mixture. Tear the newspaper into strips approximately 1 inch wide and 8 inches long. Mix the flour and water in equal parts so that the mixture is of a pancake batter consistency. Blow up a balloon to a realistic body size and then another smaller one to create the head. Begin coating the balloon with flour mixture-coated newspaper until the balloons are completely covered. Allow drying. Decorate the owls with tempera paint so that their coloration matches those of natural owls. Place them on the roof, under eaves or wherever else the birds are congregating. Don't forget to move them often.
- 4). Remove any nests you see. This may seem cruel, but physically removing the nests will discourage the birds from coming back. If the nest has eggs or babies in it, you should wait until the nest is empty before removing it, but keep in mind that birds tend to come back to the same place to nest season after season.