Comfort Through Beans - How the Bean Bag Gives People Both Relaxation and Fun
As a surprisingly versatile material within the enclosing bag, they became a symbol of casual yet simultaneously luxurious lay-about seating.
The bean bag reached a high of popularity in the 70s, along with a brief decline in the 80s, and are now steadily building their way back up again in popular use.
Beans still make a pretty good filler for a these bag, but PVC pellets have supplanted them by and large.
The higher-quality bean bag chairs of recent years benefit from polystyrene foam.
This substance is particularly adept at shifting to accommodate the varied positions and pressures of the human form, making for an exceptionally comfortable chair.
These bags comes in much smaller varieties as well, which you are probably familiar with if you've ever attended a carnival.
Popularized in carnivals and fairs is the game of throwing bean bags into targets that usually consist of round holes.
The board the hole is based in, is usually painted in a fanciful way to suggest the hole being a mouth.
While this sounds like an easy game, the loose giving nature of even a small bean bag means that it's very easy to miscalculate the trajectory of one when thrown, as well as providing extra difficulties in making it fit through the hole.
This has led to the game being simple but challenging, combining traits in such a way to make the game fun for the players and profitable for the carnival workers.
Another use for a small bean bag that is highly approved of by many children is the game of footbag (more commonly known by the trademarked phrase of Hacky Sack).
The game is generally played by having the children form a circle, and the bag is then kicked from one child to another at random.
It's very common for children who are particularly good at balancing this bag with their kicks to continue kicking it repeatedly to show off before finally passing it on a random unprepared fellow participant.
Besides encouraging generally good physical coordination, the game primarily centers around being aware enough to react quickly when the bean bag is passed to you.
It's worth noting that this smaller form of the item is generally packed a bit more tightly to hold its shape under athletic use.
The covering is also often coarsely but colorfully knitted, giving additional texture to the surface, whereas a larger bean bag chairs intended for sitting will more usually be smooth and soft.
The foam polystyrene so useful for sitting is generally not found in the small ones, which is more often filled with pellets or even actual beans.