Is It a Good Idea to Admit to a Guy That You Love Him or Should You Wait It Out? Do This Right Now
There will be controversial thoughts about this.
Should one confess one's feelings or should one keep one's feelings to oneself? If one decides on the former then one has to do it carefully so as not to look cheap and desperate.
Gentle hints are fine It will certainly be in order to give the guy gentle hints that you love him without saying it in that many words.
Letting your guy know that you love him could help him also to declare his love to you without hesitation.
Hints should do fine.
Help him not feel rejection Guys are generally apprehensive of being rejected by a girl when they tell a girl they love her.
It will be a good idea therefore to admit to a guy that you love him so he will be sure of not being rejected when he takes the first step.
Don't hold back your feelings If the guy is really interested in you, but he's not too sure of how you feel about him, then perhaps it may be a good idea to let him in on your feelings and admit to him that you love him.
This will help him come out with his feelings to you.
Admit to him Sometimes a guy tells you he's in love with you whereas you do not tell him anything in return.
So he's not sure one way or other what to believe of you.
Do you love him in return or not? So it would be a good idea to admit to him that you too love him.
He's not sure of your reaction A guy is not always sure of your reaction if he declares his love.
He prefers to wait for you to come out clean with your feelings before he progresses ahead.
So if you admit to him that you love him then he will move ahead with the relationship.
Don't be in a hurry to admit love It is a good idea of course to tell him that you love him, but if you tell him too soon after you've met him then he will lose interest in you, even before anything begins.
Men like the chase involved before they win a girl, so don't be in a hurry.
May be he'll like a bit of tease Sometimes guys like a bit of tease and uncertainty about your feelings, while he enjoys running after you.
So without openly admitting love to him you could just lead him on, where you maintain a "yes / no" suspense.
Should one confess one's feelings or should one keep one's feelings to oneself? If one decides on the former then one has to do it carefully so as not to look cheap and desperate.
Gentle hints are fine It will certainly be in order to give the guy gentle hints that you love him without saying it in that many words.
Letting your guy know that you love him could help him also to declare his love to you without hesitation.
Hints should do fine.
Help him not feel rejection Guys are generally apprehensive of being rejected by a girl when they tell a girl they love her.
It will be a good idea therefore to admit to a guy that you love him so he will be sure of not being rejected when he takes the first step.
Don't hold back your feelings If the guy is really interested in you, but he's not too sure of how you feel about him, then perhaps it may be a good idea to let him in on your feelings and admit to him that you love him.
This will help him come out with his feelings to you.
Admit to him Sometimes a guy tells you he's in love with you whereas you do not tell him anything in return.
So he's not sure one way or other what to believe of you.
Do you love him in return or not? So it would be a good idea to admit to him that you too love him.
He's not sure of your reaction A guy is not always sure of your reaction if he declares his love.
He prefers to wait for you to come out clean with your feelings before he progresses ahead.
So if you admit to him that you love him then he will move ahead with the relationship.
Don't be in a hurry to admit love It is a good idea of course to tell him that you love him, but if you tell him too soon after you've met him then he will lose interest in you, even before anything begins.
Men like the chase involved before they win a girl, so don't be in a hurry.
May be he'll like a bit of tease Sometimes guys like a bit of tease and uncertainty about your feelings, while he enjoys running after you.
So without openly admitting love to him you could just lead him on, where you maintain a "yes / no" suspense.