3 Easy Ways to Relax
Not only will it be better for you in the long run it will help your body to increase metabolism.
If you experiment with how food affects you, you will naturally be more inclined to make better food choices.
Have you ever noticed how differently you feel after having a burger, fries and soda compared to a salad with grilled fish or chicken? Your body knows what it needs, it's trying to tell you something, So Listen! Take the time to cook for yourself and your family it is so relaxing if you let it be.
Start out slowly- at least once or twice during the workweek take the time and show you and your family some love by cooking from scratch.
If not take the Sandra Lee route and go Semi Homemade.
If you would like some simple delicious one pot recipes email me and I'll be happy to send you some.
The second method is Deep Breathing.
We oxygenate our blood, lower our stress levels and experience a great adjustment in attitude.
It is the simplest way to rejuvenate but so rarely do we take the time to do it.
Oftentimes in a stressful world we find ourselves taking shallow breathes.
Here are a few more benefits to deep breathing: * Reducing muscle tension * Reduces heart rate and blood pressure * Increases brain endorphin levels * Improves alertness and creativity * Improves mood The third method is meditation.
Some people have trouble with this technique because they are unfamiliar with how to do it or because they believe it has to do with religion.
Neither of these ideas are correct.
Meditating helps us find our center and deeply align with our life purpose.
They is no wrong way to practice it.
Do whatever feels comfortable to you and just be quiet and go inward for 10 minutes or so.
You will reap all the benefits of deep breathing plus some.
Peace and comfort, Dena