How to Totally Organize My House
- 1). Prepare for sorting through junk. Trash bags, boxes and even gloves may be necessary.
- 2). Create three piles. A junk pile that will be thrown away, a value pile that will be donated or sold and a pile of things worth keeping.
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Throw away junk.trash image by Orlando Florin Rosu from
Throw away all junk. Make sure to sort through all possessions before making the decision to part with possessions. Find things that improve or make functional objects that would have been thrown away in the past. An example is a coffee pot for a coffee maker. - 4). Decide if the things in the valuable pile are worth selling or donating or if some things should be kept. Consult with loved ones or family before making the final decision.
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Junk can be worth something, even if it is, money, money image by easaab from
Box up the things up for donation in a box and take them to charity.. Put the things for sale in a box as well, but make an effort to sell them in the near future, such as hosting a garage sale or placing advertisements on Craigslist. Everything kept should hold a certain function or purpose in your household.