Reflections by Jill - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for July 28, 2008
The first thing I want to do is wish One Life to Live a very happy 40th Anniversary. The two special shows last week were terrific and so well done that I can’t say enough about them. At times it was not that easy to relate to all the current characters playing people from the past, but I think the writers did a very good job of making all the fans understand what was going on, even if they haven’t been watching the show from the beginning.
I loved seeing old characters return; Asa, Ben, Mel, Cord. It was just plain fun.
Kudos to whoever came up with all the little touches that made it so funny and endearing, like Bo and Rex being totally flummoxed about what was going on; to Clint’s hysterical Elvis sideburns; to the television that needed time to warm up and for which Rex couldn’t find the remote control (which didn’t exist back then).
Rex and Bo are always fun to watch, but they were especially funny while trying to figure out what the heck happened to them that propelled them back to 1968. Rex was a riot when he looked at Bo and said, “Is it possible that we’re dead?” The only thing funnier was when Bo responded, “Balsam, we’re not in Kansas any more.” And was anything funnier than Nigel playing Chuck Wilson, Sr. with that hysterical southern accent? It was cute watching Rex deal with Bo pretending to be Asa to Gigi’s Emma and getting annoyed because he only saw Gigi coming on to Bo.
So, let’s move on to the rest of the crew. I loved seeing Mel again and I love the way he gets Dorian to confess her sins, even if she does have 100 excuses for what she does.
What I found totally hysterical was that while Viki lay on the ground supposedly dead, everyone was standing over her making deals about what it would take to get Dorian to revive her. I’d say Viki was probably dead for over an hour before Dorian zapped her. In a comedy show, Viki would have lifted her head and said, “Hey, I’m getting deader and deader while you all stand there deliberating.”
Poor David hated thinking Viki was dead. He was so desperate for Dorian to save Viki that he agreed to divorce Addie if Dorian would save her. David knows that Viki is the only one who sees all his faults and cares for him anyway without any sinister intentions. It was a true sign of Dorian’s wickedness when she let Viki lie on the ground and refused to try save her unless David put his promise in writing. That was cold, even for Dorian.
Okay, so here we go. I never thought I’d say this, but Oh Lord, I did so love Viki’s death. LOL! Every bit of her journey to heaven made me smile and also brought tears to my eyes. Seeing Erin Torpey playing baby Megan all grown up was wonderful. Erin looks beautiful and it was great to see her again. I always loved her scenes with Erika and these were no exception. Seeing old Asa was a hoot; I always liked his relationship with Viki, even when I couldn’t stand him and I always liked the way they had a soft spot for each other. It’s too bad Viki didn’t get to see Mel. Her visit to The Banner was cute, especially when she was hoping to see Mel and Megan said he was probably out on a story.
I must say that I don’t have fond memories of the last time we saw Nikki Smith, but I died laughing at her this time. First of all, the physical transformation from Viki to Nikki is amazing and Erika has never looked better as Nikki Smith. And how hysterical was it that Nikki was hanging out with Elvis and was worried about Viki horning in on her territory? I wonder if Viki will remember that Nikki more than hinted to her that Tess was out and in control.
Okay people. On the outside chance that you don’t want to hear me rave about Viki and Ben, you’ll have to scroll forward about 100 paragraphs, LOL! Sorry, we haven’t seen Ben standing upright in six years and I’ll be gushing for a bit. It’s my party!
Need I say that seeing the reunion between Viki and Ben was everything I hoped it would be and more? Well, actually, seeing a reunion of Viki and AN ALIVE BEN would have been my dream, but I loved every minute of every scene they had together. From the minute Viki got off that elevator and heard, “I’ve Got a Crush on You”, I knew I was in for a heartbreaker and some wonderful memories. And what could be better than Ben popping up from behind the bar at Crossroads just like he did the first time and saying, “Hiya Blondie!” Viki said it all when she lovingly looked at him and said, “I’ve prayed for the chance to see you again.” Me, too,Viki.
Every minute that Viki and Ben were together was special. I loved the way they hugged and talked about the night they met. To me, it was so obvious how much Viki misses and needs Ben in her life. And let’s face it, I can’t think of too many things I like better on OLTL than seeing Ben in those worn jeans and the plaid shirt with the bar towel hanging out of his back pocket. Well, maybe seeing him in a tux comes close. Mark Derwin did an excellent job of taking us back in time, the way he played Ben’s devotion to Viki, his quirky and teasing sense of humor and his love for her. He made me laugh so many times, like when she asked if he still played pool and he said, “Yeah, when Nikki and The King aren’t hogging the table” and said that he didn’t mind Nikki, as long as he stayed away from open windows. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mark did some ad-libbing when Ben told Viki about Heaven and said, “This place rocks, although I did think I would get my hair back and I’m still waiting for that.” For me, the hair loss detracts nothing from him.