What Are the Benefits of Muira Puama? The Aphrodisiac Investigated
But does it really work? We investigated this all natural aphrodisiac to see what herbal benefits, if any it had, and whether or not it can work to enhance your sexual vigor.
This plant is native to the south American rain forest, and has been used by natives for years to promote sexual health and vigor.
Commonly referred to as potency wood, it can grow up to 15 feet in height, and has the ability to reach up to 20 ft high in some cases.
According to several leading websites on male enhancement, taking 500mg of this supplement 2 - 3 times per day, will increase your sexual stamina and libido.
You will generally start to see results in about one week, and can be used in combination with penis enlargement exercises.
According to a clinical study in the early 1990's participants saw an average increase in their sex drive after taking muira puama for just one week, and noticed additional gains in their size as well.
In another study conducted more recently, it was noted to help women with their sexual dysfunction, as well as helped ease the effects of PMS and decreased energy levels.
It was also noted that when taken in combination with ginkgo biloba, the effects were increased.
We could not find any of these studies published in any medical journals.
Their are other reviews on independent websites stating that muira puama does not work however.
Take a look at Manhood Max, a pill purported to have muira puama.