3 Things You Should NEVER Say to a Woman - Stop Making These Mistakes!
You would have to be a complete idiot to let these things come out of your mouth and you can definitely kiss all of your chances with the woman of your dreams goodbye.
Keep the list below in mind and refrain from making the big mistake of saying horrible things and driving your dream girl into the wilderness.
3 Things You Should NEVER Say to a Woman - Stop Making These Mistakes! 1.
"Shut up for just one second, could you?" Women happen to like talking - sometimes all night long - so just let them do their thing, provided they do not bring up ex-boyfriends and such.
In fact, women who like opening up and talking to a certain person usually mean they wouldn't mind sleeping with that person, if the person is of the right gender.
Do not be an idiot and kill any chance you would have of having sex now.
"Yes, you do look fat in those jeans.
" If there is one guaranteed way of rejection, that sentence would probably be it.
Women like looking attractive, most of all in comparison to other women, so allow them to dwell in their fantasies where they look much better than all the other women out there.
Even if your girl is a bit on the chubby side, avoid commenting on her weight at all costs.
But then again, why in the world are you dating someone chubby in the first place? 3.
"Do you want to make out?" Even if a girl would be willing to get with you, you would not want to ruin things by putting it out in the open like that.
Be more tactful.
If things are already getting heavy and hot, just keep doing what you're doing and keep your mouth shut.
Now that you know what NOT to say, then what are the things to say to get her to like you? I thought you'd never ask...
Here's what to say to score with a woman.
When you talk to her, get her go through an 'emotional rollercoaster' - ie by alternating between sad and happy states - and she will find herself get hopelessly attracted to you.
It's really not as difficult as it sounds.
Borrowed from the field of psychology and hypnosis, it is known to be one of the most effective (and amoral!) way to get women attracted to men.