What is Internet Compatible Logos?
Logo is very essential for a company's growth. It has its effects on the development of the businesses. We know that logos are used for marketing and branding purposes by most of the company. However, it is important to know whether the logo is internet compatible. We know there are many companies in the world that has similar names with additional domains. For instance, let us take an example of two letter named companies in the world. Let us consider a company that is represented by two alphabets "AB" in the UK. The company could be in any field of business and it is known as the name "AB". At the same time, there could be another company located in the USA as "AB Corporate". From these two companies we know that "AB" is common and they would be like to known by that specific name.
In this case, it is possible for these companies to address themselves with the same name. However, when it comes to internet domain names, only a single company can own a domain such as "ab.com". It could be possible where multiple companies are known with the similar names but only one among them can have the specific domain .com. however, the remaining companies can opt for other domains names such as .net, or even the regional domains.
Therefore, only a single company has the logotypes as the domain name. It is not easy for a startup company to get a domain name with common two letter or three letter combinations especially to own the .com domain. The main reason is that, these domains must have used or may be in use by any other company existing on the internet. This type of websites that have the same logotypes as their primary domain is known as internet compatible logos.
Logo is very essential for a company's growth. It has its effects on the development of the businesses. We know that logos are used for marketing and branding purposes by most of the company. However, it is important to know whether the logo is internet compatible. We know there are many companies in the world that has similar names with additional domains. For instance, let us take an example of two letter named companies in the world. Let us consider a company that is represented by two alphabets "AB" in the UK. The company could be in any field of business and it is known as the name "AB". At the same time, there could be another company located in the USA as "AB Corporate". From these two companies we know that "AB" is common and they would be like to known by that specific name.
In this case, it is possible for these companies to address themselves with the same name. However, when it comes to internet domain names, only a single company can own a domain such as "ab.com". It could be possible where multiple companies are known with the similar names but only one among them can have the specific domain .com. however, the remaining companies can opt for other domains names such as .net, or even the regional domains.
Therefore, only a single company has the logotypes as the domain name. It is not easy for a startup company to get a domain name with common two letter or three letter combinations especially to own the .com domain. The main reason is that, these domains must have used or may be in use by any other company existing on the internet. This type of websites that have the same logotypes as their primary domain is known as internet compatible logos.
Logo is very essential for a company's growth. It has its effects on the development of the businesses. We know that logos are used for marketing and branding purposes by most of the company. However, it is important to know whether the logo is internet compatible. We know there are many companies in the world that has similar names with additional domains. For instance, let us take an example of two letter named companies in the world. Let us consider a company that is represented by two alphabets "AB" in the UK. The company could be in any field of business and it is known as the name "AB". At the same time, there could be another company located in the USA as "AB Corporate". From these two companies we know that "AB" is common and they would be like to known by that specific name.