Thursday, January 15, 2009

106 2
The Courthouse

Philip and Stephanie are still kissing. A jealous Melanie goes back into the courtroom and complains to Max about it.

Philip and Stephanie re-enter the courtroom and find Chelsea, who admits feeling bad that she didn’t arrive sooner. Philip, Stephanie, and Melanie begin to leave. Chelsea reminds them that one of their best friends just got sentenced today and notes how they’re carrying on like it’s any other day.

“This coming from the girl who just showed up?” responds Melanie. Chelsea tells her to shut the hell up and urges them to act like they actually care, yelling that Nick is being sent to jail for a long time. Nick emerges and didn’t think he’d see Chelsea again. Chelsea insists that she was at the hospital and couldn’t get there earlier. She expresses how sorry she is.

After Philip, Stephanie, and Melanie leave, Nick reveals that he asked Uncle Mickey to deliver a package to Max, which is a copy of the patent and blueprints for the alternative fuel project. Chelsea thought he signed those over to Melanie. Nick says he did, but it’s a lot of responsibility for one person with him out of the loop. He states that there are a lot of people out there he doesn’t trust and knows there are a lot of people who will want in on the project, so he just wants to keep it safe. He asks Max and Chelsea to promise him that it will stay out of the wrong hands. They both promise.

Nick asks to talk to Chelsea alone.

Max tells him to take care and exits the room. Chelsea tries to hold back the tears as she predicts that he might be out in eighteen months. Nick professes that he wouldn’t trade their time they spent together for anything. He laments hurting her and not being there for her the past couple of months. Chelsea understands that he wasn’t himself and predicts that the sweet, smart, funny person she knew will be back. He asks if she’ll be able to come visit him if she has time. “Don’t you realize how important you are to me? How important you are to a lot of people?” she asks. “I want you to go on with your life,” he states. Chelsea tearfully admits that she has regrets, making comparison to the song “Don’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone.” He expresses how he wants her to be happy. “And I want you to get better, and to know that you’ll always be in my heart,” she cries. They share one more hug before Chelsea walks out of the room. Nick’s eyes well up with tears.


Philip and Melanie have just finished their meeting. Melanie smiles how she didn’t even fall asleep once. She recalls how funny it was when a guy at the meeting pulled her aside and ordered a coffee from her. Philip apologizes for that and notes how surprised people were when they found out who she was. He brings up what she did earlier for Nick today and admits that he likes that side of her. Melanie says it means a lot coming from him.

Steph appears as Melanie suggests to Philip going out and celebrating. She assumes the meeting went well. Melanie refers to Philip as brilliant. Steph notes the joking around between the two. Philip takes Steph aside and asks if everything’s okay. She claims she’s just sad about Nick. Philip suggests that they stop thinking about Nick and start thinking about the surprise he’s going to give her. Melanie says she’s going to bail, claiming she has a headache. Philip commends her on a great job today and she leaves.

Charlotte’s Office

John doesn’t understand why last night Charlotte told him not to give up, then she tells him that hypnosis may not work for him. Charlotte claims she’s just trying to be honest with him. He questions what the odds are of ever remembering who he was. “I’m sorry, John. Essentially zero,” she replies. “So because this one session was a bust, there isn’t anything I can do to regain my memory," assumes a frustrated John. Charlotte claims it’s complicated. “Meaning that I’m a lost cause,” he continues. He then says screw it before walking out the door.

Brady Pub

Marlena lights up when Brady comes to see her. He reveals that he did some digging to see what he could find out about John’s hypnosis. He states that there’s one thing in John’s past that means the world to him. “He wants you back, Marlena. He wants to find himself again for you,” assures Brady, who relays how John doesn’t feel a connection to anyone or anything else. Marlena tries to assure Brady that as soon as John becomes himself again, it will all change. Brady says he’s come to terms with who John is and believes his dad is lost to him forever. He admits that a part of him is wondering if he deserves this. “Why would you say such a stupid thing?” questions Marlena. Brady rehashes how he was gone for so long and wasn’t around more often. John then arrives and asks to join them. “I need a second opinion, Doc,” he says. Marlena is surprised that he just called her “Doc.” “As in ‘Doctor’ because I have a medical question,” clarifies John. Brady leaves to let them talk.

John shares how Charlotte just did a 180 and told him that hypnosis wouldn’t work for him. Marlena is stunned to hear that Charlotte is giving up on him. John asks if she has any suggestions. She kisses him, then apologizes. John isn’t complaining, since it just reminds him what he’s fighting for. Marlena retrieves a charm bracelet out of her purse and asks if it means anything to him, but he says no. She reveals that it was nine years ago when they were ready to head to New Orleans. We see a flashback of John giving her that same charm bracelet on New Year’s. Back to reality, John touches it and closes his eyes. Marlena asks him if he’s remembering something. “Nothing,” he laments. She doesn’t want to get their hopes up, but believes they are so close to a breakthrough. John asks if she’ll accept him for the man he is now if he doesn’t have a breakthrough. Before Marlena can answer, Charlotte arrives and asks to steal John for a moment. Marlena heads out.
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