The Benefits of Showering
Whilst a shower can be quite invigorating there are a number of benefits in addition to getting clean.
Improving Circulation A sluggish circulation system can result in cold hands and feet during the winter months which can be quite uncomfortable.
This problem can be alleviated to some extent in alternating the temperature of your shower between hot and cold and despite the extremities it is beneficial.
To get started you need to turn your shower to cold so shut your eyes and brace yourself, splashing your face with water in order to get used to it.
The temperature can be increased while you wash but when you are finished turn the temperature down again to finish off.
Not only will this routine improve your circulation but it will also make your hair shiny, a fantastic 2 in 1.
Easing Aching Muscles Whilst relaxing in a bath can sometimes be extremely tempting after spending time in the gym or after a long day at the office a shower can work just as well in revitalising you, providing you have the right shower.
A power shower or a shower attached to a high pressure central heating system is perfect with the strong jet of water hitting your aching parts.
The hot water is a perfect source of relaxation leaving you ready for another workout at the gym or another day in the office.
Continued use of this ritual can ensure that your aches and pains are easily and effortlessly washed away.
Helping to Lift Depression When showers are used in conjunction with aromatherapy oils, showers can help lift your mood, or even ease depression.
You can add a few drops of bergamot or orange essential oils to the shower tray, and let the steam lift it up to your face.
Inhale deeply as you shower to reap the maximum benefits.
There are a variety of scents available from those that wake you up in the morning to those that send you to sleep and even those that get you in the mood.
Increasing your Libido Contrary to popular belief, a cold shower can actually boost a man's production of testosterone, making him more likely to want sex, not less.
If you feel your love life needs a bit more sparkle, get your man into a cold shower every morning - even if you have to push him! Strengthening your Immune System Cold showers can actually stimulate your immune defenses and protect you against colds and flu, surprisingly enough.
The coldness helps release toxins from your body tissue, stimulates your circulation and cleanses the circulatory system, sending oxygen to your organs and blood.