Jim and the Angel
In the fall of 1985, I went up to Massachusetts to visit my ex-wife and daughter. We (my ex and her housemate) were talking at the kitchen table, when all of a sudden I got lightheaded and passed out face-first onto the table.
The next thing I knew there was this brilliant human-shaped entity calling my name. It went like this:
"Jim... Jim..."
I looked up at it and asked, "Who are you?"
It answered, "Who do you think I am?"
I answered, "I don't know."
It was smiling and was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The next thing I knew, my ex's girlfriend, who was a nurse, had her hand on my neck and telling my ex I seemed to be all right. When I told them what happened, they looked at me like I was nuts.
They said I hit the table face first with a thud, but I didn't have a mark on me. They came around to assist and that's the only time that past; it was just seconds.
I did not imagine this. I think I died and was brought back to life, and I'm sure this was what we call an angel. Male? Female? I don't know. I'm sure I will see it again, and really hope it's in this life. I do not believe in traditional religion.
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The next thing I knew there was this brilliant human-shaped entity calling my name. It went like this:
"Jim... Jim..."
I looked up at it and asked, "Who are you?"
It answered, "Who do you think I am?"
I answered, "I don't know."
It was smiling and was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The next thing I knew, my ex's girlfriend, who was a nurse, had her hand on my neck and telling my ex I seemed to be all right. When I told them what happened, they looked at me like I was nuts.
They said I hit the table face first with a thud, but I didn't have a mark on me. They came around to assist and that's the only time that past; it was just seconds.
I did not imagine this. I think I died and was brought back to life, and I'm sure this was what we call an angel. Male? Female? I don't know. I'm sure I will see it again, and really hope it's in this life. I do not believe in traditional religion.
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