What is a blackhead? Why do we get Melasma? Perioral dermatitis
Blackheads called blackhead technical term. Blackhead often accompanied by pimple problems.
What is a blackhead?
In many ways one can look at blackheads as the basis for acne and pimples. Blackheads are most common on the forehead and cheeks. There are several types of blackheads:
1. Open Blackhead (black blackheads) Ses as black dots in the skin. The color is due to pigment Melanin.
2. Closed Blackhead: Ses as white dots in the skin.
3. Makrokomedoner: Large blackhead, over 2-3 mm in diameter.
4. Solare comedones: Frames older, and is related to sun exposure.
5. Mikrokomedoner: Small blackhead under the skin that is not visible with the eye. The basis for acnes.
is a common condition which provides an increased amount of pigment in the face. Typical of Melasma is symmetrical brown pigmentation of the facial skin. It affects most commonly the cheeks, upper lip and panne.n Most people get increased ailments summer, and marks avbleking hyperpigmentation winter.
Why do we get Melasma?
The cause is unknown, but an important contributing factor is exposure to sunlight. Other risk factors are the use of birth control pills.Those with darker skin type is allocated. Melasma during pregnancy is common and is then called Chloasma or in English "Mask of pregnancy".
Are there different types of Melasma?
This depends on how deep the pigment located. In the superficial (epidermal) type Melasma is pigment in the epidermis. This condition is most accessible for treatment. In the deeper type ( dermal ) is the pigment deeper into the dermis. There are also varieties with pigment in both over- and under the skin (mixed).
Can Melasma treated?
The main treatment for Melasma is to avoid sun exposure. Everyone should use a sunscreen with a high factor that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. No treatment will be effective if you do not follow this advice. Several different treatment methods can be used to enhance your tan:
- Vitamin preparations
- Alfahydroxysyrer as Glycolic acid can give avbleking of pigment.
- Kojicsyre
Do I need treatment?
Sunscreen should be used as solid after treatment, when the pigment tends to come back.
- Melasma
Perioral dermatitis is a common skin condition. Approximately 90% of patients we see with this is women. It usually occurs in an aged 20-45 to. The state is not directly related to acne in young age. The reason is unknown. We expect 0.5- 1% of the population struggling with this problem.
How does it look ?
Typical of Perioral dermatitis is red small balls and acne around the mouth. Typical is that the area above the upper lip is not affected. Some are also plagued with similar changes around the nose and around the eyes. Most do not have much discomfort apart from the cosmetic. We do not know why someone gets condition. Those who use cortisone face predisposed. Brief use of cortisone makes obliterated better. When we join with cortisone cream blazes skin disease usually brighter than before. Thus one should avoid cortisone creams. Cosmetics can also lead to outbreaks. One has speculated about fluoride in toothpaste, content of various creams or infection may be contributing. Heat and solllys can also worsen the rash in some. Perioral dermatitis has several similarities with the skin disease rosacea.
- Perioral dermatitis