To Reduce Debt Follow These Ten Commandments
These commandments if you will should be the foundation of your get out of debt plan.
Without a plan, desire, and intense action, you will continue to spiral out of control only getting deeper and deeper into debt.
There are no "magic buttons" when it comes do getting out of debt.
You alone are at the core of the problem and you alone have the power to fix the mess that you have created.
You have to adjust your behavior first if you want to succeed and win with your money.
Incorporate these commandments into your daily living and you will achieve success with your finances.
) Thou shall know and understand the differences between "wants" and "needs".
) Thou will not buy costly toys with money thy does not have.
) Thou shall produce a budget and stand by it.
) Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's mortgaged-to-the-hilt McMansion, nor his soon-to-be-repossessed Escalade, nor the big flat panel TV he will be paying off for 5 years at 29 percent.
) Thou shall put money away for emergencies on a monthly basis.
) Thou shalt not blow more money than you make.
) Thou shall not live past the money you take home.
) Thou will quit using plastic other than a debit card.
) Thou shall teach thy children how to be responsible and manage money from an early age.
) Thou shalt always make payments on time to avoid damaging thy credit.