Fat Loss Secrets - Diets Don"t Work!
We've all triedfat loss programs.
A lot of these so called 'diets' have two things in common.
They are unhealthy and they don't work! We always concentrate on the outside of our bodies, what we look like aesthetically, but neglect the most important factor, what makes us what we are, our insides! Shallow is one word that springs straight to mind.
We all know that in our quest to get thin, we could indeed be doing untold damage to our bodies, but do we care? Do we heck! Well...
maybe we do really, somewhere deep down.
Our conscience bleeps now and again, but we just ignore it and move on to the next fat loss program.
So what would you say if I told you that a lot of our weight problems are not to do with over eating or genetics? I bet you'd say great, tell me more! I recently came across a lady doctor who has dedicated her life to researching what she believes to be the single most important factor in the fat loss process.
During her many years of studies, Dr Suzanne Gudakunst found that we all have horrible parasites living inside us.
She discovered that by eliminating them through eating natural foods, people lost large amounts of weight in the process.
There were also other side effects.
People with certain types of cancer found it disappeared after following Dr Suzanne's plan.
Some diabetic cases were reversed.
Her findings were truly amazing! (and genuine).
She decided to share her Fat Loss Secret with the world, but in doing so received death threats.
There are many organisations and companies out there who make millions out of the fat loss industry so it's not surprising that she upset many folk in her quest to educate the nation.
I think it would be like a car company discovering how to run a car on water.
Imagine the effects financially that would have on the oil companies and the government.
Catastrophic, I would say...
Well, Dr Suzanne Gudakunst went ahead and did it anyway.
She teaches a simple and natural way to lose loads of weight fast, and be the healthiest you've ever been.
If you've tried every other 'fad' fat loss program and failed, might be worth taking a look at one that goes beyond just weight loss and actually does you some good into the bargain!
A lot of these so called 'diets' have two things in common.
They are unhealthy and they don't work! We always concentrate on the outside of our bodies, what we look like aesthetically, but neglect the most important factor, what makes us what we are, our insides! Shallow is one word that springs straight to mind.
We all know that in our quest to get thin, we could indeed be doing untold damage to our bodies, but do we care? Do we heck! Well...
maybe we do really, somewhere deep down.
Our conscience bleeps now and again, but we just ignore it and move on to the next fat loss program.
So what would you say if I told you that a lot of our weight problems are not to do with over eating or genetics? I bet you'd say great, tell me more! I recently came across a lady doctor who has dedicated her life to researching what she believes to be the single most important factor in the fat loss process.
During her many years of studies, Dr Suzanne Gudakunst found that we all have horrible parasites living inside us.
She discovered that by eliminating them through eating natural foods, people lost large amounts of weight in the process.
There were also other side effects.
People with certain types of cancer found it disappeared after following Dr Suzanne's plan.
Some diabetic cases were reversed.
Her findings were truly amazing! (and genuine).
She decided to share her Fat Loss Secret with the world, but in doing so received death threats.
There are many organisations and companies out there who make millions out of the fat loss industry so it's not surprising that she upset many folk in her quest to educate the nation.
I think it would be like a car company discovering how to run a car on water.
Imagine the effects financially that would have on the oil companies and the government.
Catastrophic, I would say...
Well, Dr Suzanne Gudakunst went ahead and did it anyway.
She teaches a simple and natural way to lose loads of weight fast, and be the healthiest you've ever been.
If you've tried every other 'fad' fat loss program and failed, might be worth taking a look at one that goes beyond just weight loss and actually does you some good into the bargain!