Age of Conan Guide - Sneak Peek at Upcoming PVP - Many Concerns!
Check out the official Age of Conan webpage for future content info that is going into AOC While most of it seems to be coming along with good intentions, the info that I have on the upcoming PvP risk/reward system may cause more problems then it fixes.
Basically a "fugitive" system will be in place.
This system will give people that Gank players many levels lower them some penalty points.
After you obtain so many penalty points, other players will have an incentive to kill you.
What is the incentive? How about one of your equipped items! Of course other incentives may be implemented as well, and for this article, the incentives are meaningless.
So what is the problem? The problem is that this has already been attempted in many MMO's before.
You will always have kiddies that will try and exploit the system.
If you get a penalty for killing lobbies, what if the lobie hits you first? What if the lobie is an app'ed member of an enemy group? What if the lobie is and un-app'ed member of the enemy group? As is stands now, a group of six level 40 players can easily kill a level 60 player, how will you figure the penalty in this example? Will it not then be beneficial for a group of six level 40's to go around and intentional hunt level 50 - 60 characters?(Hoping that the level 50 - 60 character will simply try to run so that they don't get any penalty points.
) Should I not worry? Do you have an answer for all of these questions? O.
I will give you an example that you cannot fix: Let us take six level 80's from guild "A" and put them up against six level 80's from guild "B".
However guild "B" has another guild member come with, un-grouped and un-raided.
The level of this guild member is 30 and he does nothing more then stand in the middle of the "B" group.
The level 30 does nothing, no attacks, no heals, absolutely nothing.
Since AOE is so common in this game the level 30 player will die numerous times.
(We have all ran by a fight and took a little unintentional damage before, If you are on a PvP server) So the death of one level 30 is not that big of a penalty, how about a group of six level 30 characters to stand in the middle of group "B"? Of course take off all gear and all buffs so that they die the in the quickest manner, after they die they move as fast as possible back to the battle area, most likely with only about half health since they did not heal or rest.
Then they die again and again giving group "A" a huge amount of penalty points for killing lobbies.
Basically a "fugitive" system will be in place.
This system will give people that Gank players many levels lower them some penalty points.
After you obtain so many penalty points, other players will have an incentive to kill you.
What is the incentive? How about one of your equipped items! Of course other incentives may be implemented as well, and for this article, the incentives are meaningless.
So what is the problem? The problem is that this has already been attempted in many MMO's before.
You will always have kiddies that will try and exploit the system.
If you get a penalty for killing lobbies, what if the lobie hits you first? What if the lobie is an app'ed member of an enemy group? What if the lobie is and un-app'ed member of the enemy group? As is stands now, a group of six level 40 players can easily kill a level 60 player, how will you figure the penalty in this example? Will it not then be beneficial for a group of six level 40's to go around and intentional hunt level 50 - 60 characters?(Hoping that the level 50 - 60 character will simply try to run so that they don't get any penalty points.
) Should I not worry? Do you have an answer for all of these questions? O.
I will give you an example that you cannot fix: Let us take six level 80's from guild "A" and put them up against six level 80's from guild "B".
However guild "B" has another guild member come with, un-grouped and un-raided.
The level of this guild member is 30 and he does nothing more then stand in the middle of the "B" group.
The level 30 does nothing, no attacks, no heals, absolutely nothing.
Since AOE is so common in this game the level 30 player will die numerous times.
(We have all ran by a fight and took a little unintentional damage before, If you are on a PvP server) So the death of one level 30 is not that big of a penalty, how about a group of six level 30 characters to stand in the middle of group "B"? Of course take off all gear and all buffs so that they die the in the quickest manner, after they die they move as fast as possible back to the battle area, most likely with only about half health since they did not heal or rest.
Then they die again and again giving group "A" a huge amount of penalty points for killing lobbies.